About us

Having a Healthy Relationship with Sleep

We’re firm believers that the quality of your sleep shouldn’t be a matter of chance.

Our mission is to empower you to actively shape a positive and balanced relationship with your sleep.

Deep and REM Sleep act as the fundamental pillars of a restorative night’s rest.

Experience the practical benefits of our floowtape Mouth Tape thoughtfully designed to enhance Deep and REM sleep cycles.

Why prioritise Deep Sleep? It’s the phase where your body undergoes healing, restoration and repair.

And REM Sleep? This dynamic stage is when your brain experiences heightened activity. Studies indicate that extended REM sleep improves mood, memory, learning, and overall brain function. Dive into the simplicity of a revitalizing sleep routine every night.

Designed with advanced technology, our system offers a discreet and effective solution for various oral health concerns. Whether you’re dealing with snoring, teeth grinding, or simply aiming to improve breathing during sleep, our Closed Mouth Patch provides a comfortable and non-intrusive remedy.

Our system works by gently adhering to the lips, encouraging a closed-mouth posture during sleep. This aids in reducing snoring and prevents air leakage, promoting better airflow through the nasal passages. The patch is designed to be hypoallergenic and skin-friendly, ensuring a comfortable experience throughout the night.

With its simple application and hassle-free removal, the Closed Mouth Patch is suitable for use by individuals of all ages. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to a peaceful, rejuvenating sleep experience with our innovative Closed Mouth Patch system.