Floowtape- Mouth Tape

1. Answer Your Nasal Congestion Problem While Sleeping Or Exercising

2. Gently Open The Nasal Cavity, Allowing You To Breathe More Freely And Reduce Snoring

3. Relieves Congestion From Colds, Sinus Problems, And Allergies

4. Let Everyone Sleep Soundly

5. Simple, Safe, Effective, Non-invasive, And Without Side Effects,

It Helps To Correct Snoring Behavior And Develop Good Breathing Habits




Explore the collection

The Best Mouth Tape for Sleep



Your New Sleep Hack 🤯

Improved Sleep Quality

This is attributed to the benefits of deeper sleep cycles, improved oxygen saturation, and the overall reduction of disturbances

Encourage Nasal Breathing

Nose Breathing produces Nitric Oxide which enhances the flow of oxygen, leading to improved circulation of oxygen-rich blood

Reduced Snoring

Taping your mouth shut can help to keep your airway open and reduce the vibrations that cause snoring, here to quiet nights!

Wake Up Refreshed & Energized

Better sleep means better mornings and better days with renewed energy

Filter Out Dust, Bacteria & Viruses

Your nose is your built in filtering system, don’t let those nasty particles in your mouth

Optimal Oral Health

Combat dry mouth, tooth decay, gum inflammation by promoting the natural humidification of the oral cavity



Tell Me More! 🤔



The world’s best mouth tape for sleep

Safe, Flexible & Breathable



Goodbye Mouth Breathing and Hello Nose Breathing

Why you shouldn’t be a mouth breather



Quality sleep is the foundation of a vibrant and fulfilling life

Supported by scientific studies



Say goodbye to restless nights

Snore No More, Explore Mouth Taping Galore!







Pull strip’s sides apart to separate backing and expose adhesive


Apply to dry and pursed lips & massage the tape to secure its position.


Enjoy a restful night sleep with the world’s most flexible, breathable & comfortable mouth tape


The Ideal Mouth Tape for Sleep




Strong & Skin Friendly Adhesive

Medical Grade Woven Fabric